Kamis, 19 Februari 2009


It was only till 13 April that the passengers of titanic were able to take sleep to see the rising sun of next day. On April 14th of 1912, the Captain of the ship realized that he failed to identify a huge white iceberg. The ship was moving at full speed about 22 knots on a moonless night. Captain Smith tried his level best to turn the ship to avoid hitting the iceberg. He nearly would have succeeded but the speed with which it was propelling turned their efforts in vain. While half of the ship overcame the iceberg the later part unfortunately crashed against the rock solid iceberg. The first few cubicles which were water tight were struck badly and water started filling in the ship. Slowly the ships bow began to bow downwards ant the stern started raising. Soon the captain announced that there was crash that took place. Most of them refused to get down in safety ships since they believed that the ship was unsinkable. The ratio of number of ships compared to the no passengers was very less. Around twenty ships for twenty two hundred passengers. What was more tragic was that even these boats were not utilized by people. Soon the ship also caught up with fire. The additional fuel which was taken as measure of precaution added to the fire. The Titanic sank at 2:20 A.M. the morning of April 15. Till the moment that it sank, the band, under the direction of bandmaster Wally Hartley, played hymns.

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